Category: Art

  • 2024.04.29 | Profile Retrospective

    I’m happy to have completed the four profile images within the month. A benefit of having a website is that I do periodically update and refine the images as I notice issues with them I may not have earlier. Please refresh the cache if you are still seeing older images.

    It has probably been well over four or five years since I’ve last done reference sheets for these characters, and as of typing this, this set is probably the most complete/accurate I have ever done, so I am very excited to be able to use them when drawing characters moving forward. I am sure they will all continue to evolve and morph in some way, but it’s been a long time since I have felt like there was a solid baseline with enough thought put into it vs an exercise in boredom.

    It has also been a while since I’ve sat down and completed a “set” of images. The process became significantly faster from character to character, though certain challenges (ie learning how to render specific articles of clothing) did contribute to the variable speed. It was a little startling how quickly Katie’s reference came together by the end, and I can’t help but wonder if I’ll notice a bunch of mistakes I’ll want to fix in a week’s time (even Paula’s image, the oldest of the four, got a few fixes recently).

    Favorite Part of the Process

    Paula – Defining her eyes. Actually, I recently started reading Magilumiere Co. Ltd. and I wish Paula could channel more of Shigemoto lol…

    Cigar – Unusually content with how his face turned out. This iteration is probably the closest as far as imagination-to-paper goes.

    Lamp/Laurence – I own a light hoodie that has similar fabric weight to his jacket, so referencing it made rendering that part of his image very fun.

    Katie – The fur on her jacket used to be stylized it very dramatically, but was hard to keep on model. I was happy to tone it down for this design. It feels more accurate to her character.

  • 2024.04.29 | Katie
  • 2024.04.22 | Laurence

    Drawing a character who smiles and is expressive…is mentally healing…

  • 2024.04.14 | Cigar
  • 2024.04.06 | Paula